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Smart Faune

Audio journey, Dance, Public Space

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The Smart Faune performance invites volunteers to dance in the public space by following music and instructions transmitted live on their phones.


Conception and Development of an audio broadcast software with the following features :

  • HD Audio
  • Ultra-low latency <100ms for cellular network, <10ms for Wi-Fi
  • Works in 4G (for the participants and the musician broadcasting)
  • Up to 100+ users
  • Works with a laptop or smartphone, no other equipment required

The musician can emit one or multiple stereo signals directly from its Live music software (FL, Ableton, ...). The audience opens a web page (or scans a QRCode) on their phone and receive the audio immediately. There is no need to download an app.

Interested in this tech ? More infos here


Created by : Naïf Production
Software development : Maxime Touroute, Rémy Dupanloup
Music : Christophe Ruetsch
Coproduction : La Maison des métallos, Paris
With the support of Onda - Office national de diffusion artistique